Annual General Meeting 2019
Dear NUSPS members, our Annual General Meeting is going to happen on 28th August (Wednesday). We welcome all of YOU who would like to run or vote for the 51st Management Committee to attend. During the AGM, the 50th MC will first give a summary of the society’s activities and achievements in the 2018/19 academic year. Interested candidates will then undergo the election process.
Date: 28 August 2019
Time: 6 to 10pm
Venue: NUS S1A-02-17 (beside LT32)
* Refer to the map below for more location information
51st MC sign up link:
MC role description:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email our committee members!
From Kent Ridge MRT
Take A1 or D2 and alight at University Hall.
Towards Kent Ridge MRT
Take A2 or D2 and alight at Opp University Hall.